
Seed classes in OstroJS allow you to populate your database with data. The database/seeders directory contains all seed classes. A DatabaseSeeder class is created for you by default. You may use the call function to execute additional seed classes from this class, enabling you to customise the seeding order.

Writing Seeders

Use the make:seeder Assistant command to create a seeder. The database/seeders directory will include all seeders created by the framework:

node assistant make:seeder UserSeeder

By default, a seeder class has exactly one method: run. When the db:seed Assistant command is run, this method is invoked. You may enter data into your database in whatever way you choose using the run method. To manually input data, you can use the query builder or Eloquent model factories.

Let's take the default DatabaseSeeder class as an example and add a database insert statement to the run method:

const Str = require('@ostro/support/string')
const Hash = require('@ostro/support/facades/hash')
const DB = require('@ostro/support/facades/database')
const Seeder = require('@ostro/database/seeder')

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder {
     * Run the database seeders.
     * @return void
    async run() {
        await DB.table('users').insert({
            'name' : Str.random(10),
            'email' : Str.random(10).'',
            'password' : Hash.make('password'),

module.exports = DatabaseSeedercon

Calling Additional Seeders

By default, a seeder class has exactly one method: run. When the db:seed Assistant command is run, this method is invoked. You may enter data into your database in whatever way you choose using the run method. To manually input data, you can use the query builder or Eloquent model factories.

Let's take the default DatabaseSeeder class as an example and add a database insert statement to the run method:

 * Run the database seeders.
 * @return void
async run() {

Running Seeders

You may seed your database using the db:seed Assistant command. The db:seed command runs the DatabaseSeeders class by default, which may call additional seed classes. You may, however, use the —class option to execute a single seeder class separately:

node assistant db:seed

node assistant db:seed --class=UserSeeder

You may also use the migrate:fresh command with the —seed option to seed your database, which will delete all tables and re-run all of your migrations. This command may be used to rebuild your database from the ground up:

node assistant migrate:fresh --seed

Forcing Seeders To Run In Production

Some seeding processes may result in data loss or modification. Before the seeders are conducted in the production environment, you will be requested for confirmation to prevent you from performing seeding instructions against your production database. Use the —force flag to force the seeders to run without prompting:

node assistant db:seed --force